SEO is not an exact science, the one constant in the world of SEO, is change. With over 500 adaptations to it’s algorithm per year, Google alone has kept SEO practitioners on their toes in an attempt to react and respond to changes that can be made with little warning and almost no technical information.
Search engine companies don’t want us to know exactly how they calculate rankings, purely so that no one can manipulate them. Constant evolution of the algorithms used is therefore both an offensive and defensive measure to protect the integrity of search results. Having said that, there are a lot of things we do know, can infer or can experiment with in order to determine the most efficient and effective ways to improve results.
Due to this perpetual remodeling of search engine algorithms, Search Engine Optimisation practitioners can quickly find that they no longer offer their clients the same value that they once did; agility is key.
Why? The agile SEO responds quickly to an ever evolving virtual world, always acknowledging and reacting to the changes, enabling the creation of effective, up to the minute online strategies. Agile SEO isn’t just a catchphrase, it’s a mentality.
It’s about anticipating and preparing for change, being prepared (and able) to adjust strategies on the fly, it’s about being cross-functional, proactive and iterative. It’s having clear objectives and focusing on the end user because ultimately, they are what determines success or failure.
An agile SEO is collaborative, sharing ideas and strategies both internally and with their clients. They’re great communicators, ensuring that their team and clients are prepared for the potential impacts of large scale algorithmic changes from search engines.
Above all, the agile SEO thinks big picture, they’re not just aware of industry change – they’re prepared for it, responding efficiently and effectively to a competitive and volatile online marketplace.
This is who we are. This is what we do. Welcome, to Agile SEO.